Iceland's Famous Culture Night
Iceland´s Menningarnótt, or as the Reykjavik Grapevine calls it, Reykjaviks playground for the people, is one of the biggest events of the year. Commemorating Reykjaviks anniversary, it is a day packed full of events, food, and good times as well as acting as a hello to the fall and winter seasons. Every year on the Saturday after August 18 the people of Reykjavik flood the streets to enjoy various free concerts, art shows, free food stands, run or watch the Reykjavik Marathon, and celebrate their beloved capital all topped off with a fireworks show nearing the extravagance of their New Years show.
Various businesses, including museums, parks and restaurants, open their doors and offer free admission, food, etc. to add to the festivities. The exact events vary from year to year but the things that remain constant are the Reykjavik Marathon which feature lots of other events as well, and the variety of musical performances held throughout the city.
Regardless of your interests, you are bound to find something that tickles your fancy at this day-long event. So from Berjaya Hotels, we hope you join us in the festivities and help us celebrate our wonderful city that is Reykjavik!