Services at Alda Hotel Reykjavik
Alda Hotel Reykjavik offers unique services and amenites in downtown Reykjavik.
Check-in is at 15:00 on the day of arrival
Early check-in depends on the availability in the hotel at any given time. We do our very best to check in earlier but since check out time isn’t until 11:00 we can’t promise anything in advance.
Check-out is at 11:00 noon on the day of departure
Late check is based on the availability in the hotel at any given time. On request, we offer late check-out for a surcharge of 4.500 ISK/hour until 15:00, at the latest. In case late check out isn’t possible, we can store your luggage in our luggage room.
Please note the lodging tax for 2025 is 800 ISK per room, per night and payable upon arrival at the hotel.